Tourism in Kosovo
Planning a holiday to Kosovo? Have a day off in the small Balkan state? The country has a lot to offer. Beautiful landscapes, high mountains, old city centers, waterfalls and ancient religious buildings are yours to visit in Kosovo. Here are some Kosovo tourism
Rugova Valley
One of the nature highlights of the Balkan is the Kosovar Rugova Valley; a stretched mountain range with water, waterfalls and rocks.
Those who freely want to enjoy the area can drive through the valley by car. Every season brings a new kind of beauty, so there is enough to enjoy.
Do you want to go for a walk or hike? Just park your car along the road at a random spot and take one of the numerous side paths. You might end up in the small winter sports village of Bogë. A very cute place to stay. Read more…

Serbian Orthodox monastery
Hidden in the woods, protected by NATO soldiers and worthwhile to visit: the Serbian Orthodox monastery in Deçan.
The Visoki Decani is how you would imagine the perfect monastery – surrounded by woods, beautifully shaped, and wrapped in silence.
Visitors are very welcome and with a bit of luck you will be guided around inside by an orthodox monk. The church is one of the most beautiful churches you have ever seen. A highlight of Kosovo tourism. Read more…
NEWBORN monument
One of the most historical places in the very recent history of Europa is the NEWBORN monument in Kosovo.
The capital Pristina revealed the letters at the moment when the (former) province of Serbia declared their independence.
The city isn’t directly a beautiful monumental city, but because Pristina is the center for the international community, government, media and the student life, the capital breathes the most the ‘new Kosovo’. Read more…

Mirusha waterfalls
Hidden away in nature is the beautiful Mirusha waterfalls. A highlight in Kosovo tourism, and hardly to be found elsewhere in the Balkans.
For those who want to get away for a couple of hours, the waterfalls are an absolute must see.
If you do not only want to make nice pictures, you can also attempt to climb them. And at your own risk… jump off. Even after a couple of visits you still see new details of the rocks that surround the waterfall. Read more…
Old town of Gjakova
Gjakova might be the most authentic Kosovar town. At the same time, it’s a modern municipality, the only with a female mayor till 2018.
The old town of Gjakova was one of the most developed trade centers during the rule of the Ottoman Empire in Balkans. Although the old town was ruined in the Kosovo war of 1999, the streets are restored to their traditional style. The face of the old center changed recently. A narrow street, full with bars, brought back the youth to Gjakova. A Kosovo tourism highlight. Read more…

Centre of Prizren
The Ottoman Empire has strongly influenced the Kosovar city of Prizren. Thanks to the European taxpayers many of the city highlights have been restored and accessible for everybody.
You can climb the fortress, located less then twenty minutes from the city center. From there you’ll have a stunning view over Prizren, and you can count dozens of minarets.
The center street of the old town counts a big mosque, a Serbian Orthodox church and a beautiful Catholic Church. Read more…
Brezovica ski resort
Brezovica is a popular ski resort in the south of Kosovo, close to the border with Macedonia.
There are nine ski runs located in the area, with distances between 300 meter and 3.500 meters. The top of the biggest hill is around 2.500 meters (8200 feet) high. In the spring of 2015, French companies signed a deal to invest 400 million euros in the ski resort.
There are a couple of hotels in the wintersport area, that can accomodate around 700 people. An excellent place for winter tourism, and in the future for summer Kosovo tourism too. Read more…

Bear sanctuary
Once, bears in Kosovo were kept in cages, close to restaurants, to amuse customers. Now, these brown bears in Kosovo are enjoying a real natural environment. And the best part is that you can visit them.
Around a dozen of bears live in the park. Some of them are inside, some play outside in the water, and a couple of bears are usually just enjoying the weather. Every animal has his own sign with personal information about his background and his actual behavior. Read more…

Kosovo Information
Practical info and facts This Kosovo Information page provides facts, sights and practical tips about the Republic of Kosovo. Religion in Kosovo The Republic of

Kosovo religion
Kosovo religion The Republic of Kosovo is a secular state. The majority of the people are of a Muslim heritage and practice a very mild

Where is Kosovo?
Where is Kosovo? Where is Kosovo? The Republic lies in the South East of Europe. In the heart of the so-called Balkans. On this page
This website looks beautiful and very nice, the design, informations and everything. I’m an Albanian (Kosovar) who want to thank you for your hard work while creating this website which promotes beautiful places of Kosova and helps that foreign tourists potentially to be attracted. I wish you all the best Stefan van Dijk and other people who made possible this website exists. My suggestion is that for each location to post more photos which will enrich the website.
Dear Arbias, thank you for your message and your suggestion. We will keep improving.
Your comment it is OK …
Faleminderit shume per punen qe keni ber rreth informimit te botes per Kosoven. Ju lutem vazhdoni spse kemi nevoj ne ngritje te imazhit te Kosoves.
Shume shume faleminderit admin
Thank you very much, Blerimi, we will!
Hi there.. I’m also from Albania ( kosovar ), and congratulations for this good site to help people around the world who want’s to know more about KOSOVO… I also work online, and I own 2 websites, if you guys need any help, we ca work together.. again thank you and have a nice day..
Thank you, Ari, for your kind support!! Good luck with your work!
i will like to visit tourism center in Kosovo, by April 30 to may 15. Thanks
Welcome! Do you have any more specific question?
Hello, Assala mualaikum. I am a business man from Bangladesh. I want to travel kosobo. In my Country no kosovo Embassy. Some one told me kosovo Airport can give me arrival visa.
please I need information about immigration and others.
Please ans me by email.
Abu Taleb Liton
Managing Director
Traveller Holidays
Dear Mr Abu Taleb Liton,
Please find our Travel section with information regarding visa
Biztosan nagyon finom néhány nap állás után, de ezt nemm tudtam kipróbálni. Hat fej fokhagymából készÃtettem el mabralicazsÃgnan, de még aznap elfogyott, a családom “csak úgy” kenyérrel megette az egészet…Anysi
This makes me feel really happy.For the first time on my life I’ve witnessed someone actually promoting our country.Let me just say,I love the theme and the accurate descriptions of our monuments.Keep this amazing job,Stefan! Sooner or later,this website will become a huge success for you. 🙂 Wish you the best.
Also please ignore my grammar/spelling mistakes because I’m only 15.
Dear 15 year old, thank you so much for sharing this!
hi, people in KOSOVO,because this site i know what is all about your country thank you for enlighten my mind to know this country.God bless all hopefully more picture to upload.
Nice place, wont mind opening an office there. how can i get a tourist visa to be there? i am from Nigeria, wont mind if you can help me out with info.
Dear All,
Thank you for this web site.
kindly, is it possible to add the Coordinates for all the beautiful places so we can reach it by GPS.
Good day! I am from the Philippines, am much interested to know more of Kosovo, and am soliciting from your end any informative newsletter or magazine about your country , KOSOVO.
Thanks and my best regards !
Dear Ricardo, we suggest you to contact KIESA, they have a some brochures!
Hello, please let me know if there is any van running from Gjakovë to Bajram Curri …
And from where does it leave?
Thank you very much, Eva
There are. Latest is at 14:00 and they depart from Agron Rama Square here
Thanks a lot for the quick answer, that really helped!
Regards Eva
This is pretty cool, congrats to Kosovars for having this beautiful ‘mirror’ of Kosova, respect from Preshevo, a city in Serbia, popular with Albanians (+90 %).
Thanks for founding this page, even we’re not people of Kosova, we will always be united. #ByTheLanguage #ByTheBlood #ByTheHeart #WeAreSame <3
Hi , how can I travel vom Pristina to Nis(Serbia) with bus???
Kosovo and Metohija is and only can be a part of Serbia! <3
Hi All,
First of all thank you for this website, very interesting . My i suggest to add some photos of Catle of Artana (Novoberdo), church and mosque in same garden in Ferizaj, Old Stone Bridge in Vushtrri etc.
Thank you and all the best.
Hi, my name is Jonathan Burger. I am 17 years old and I live in Brookings, South Dakota in the USA. I have a deep interest in photography and recently I have been looking for places that could publish and or purchase my work. As an example, my local chamber of commerce and I are exploring a potential partnership and I am working on getting my shots published in various other places. Anyway, I was wondering if there is any way we could strike a bargain. I am a little bit nuts about travel, but I have only been within the contiguous USA and 5 of the Canadian provinces. I have always wanted to visit the beautiful country of Kosovo and photograph it, and so I have an idea. Would it be at all worth considering flying me out to some of the various places in Kosovo so that I could photograph them and the architecture, landscape, wildlife, and people in them? I would give all of the rights for my shots to y’all to help boost tourism and marketing, and I would do my absolute best up here in SD to help raise awareness of the people and their culture in Kosovo. If we could work together and discuss this possibility, that would be great. I think that it would be mutually beneficial. I would appreciate compensation for my time, but we can discuss this at a later date. I perfectly understand if the budget does not allow for this. If this is something you would be at all interested in, please contact me at this email. I know it sounds absolutely ludicrous, but I feel that it would be a great boost to the area’s tourism economy, if used for tourism and marketing purposes. Please consider my proposal! Thanks!
P. S. If you want, I would be happy to send some of the pictures I have taken previously, like as a preview of my work. I have a very unique photographic perspective, which I feel would greatly benefit the people and wildlife of Kosovo. I am also aware that the current Covid-19 situation will prevent me from going for a while, so I was thinking more along the lines of 2021. Thanks again for considering!
This is a great website promotion my born country Kosovo. I live in US for the past 21 years and every time I go back to Kosovo I have a fabulous time. The food, and the Albanian hospitality is great. Everywhere you go you feel welcomed, which is not the case in other countries. I would love to see more photos in the future if possible. Thank you for all you do in Kosovo – Great job.
i want visit to Kosovo as tourist, But no have host there, for make a invitation,..
for my one week visit to Pristina and Prizren.
i am from Pakistan.
You need to add a section HOW TO GET TO KOSOVO. Im planning a Balkan trip and can find bus and train schedules most everywhere but when it comes to Kosovo -NOTHING I can find flights is all. I would prefer bus or train from Macedonia, Albania or Montenegro and cant find any of those.
I am looking for information about hiking trails in Sharri park and in Rugova park and the area of Dragash. I found several websites that describe the parks, but none of them describes the hiking trails themselves. I would like to find information about the trails themselves before I am coming to Kosovo in order to plan my trip ahead.
I would appreciate your help with references to websites that describe the actual trails and technical information and not websites that only describe how beautiful those parks are but don’t give accurate information about the trails themselves.