Kosovo je Srbija
Kosovo je Srbija, or “Kosovo is Serbia”, is a popular saying. It expresses the idea that Kosovo is or should be part of the Republic of Serbia.
The slogan emerged as a reaction to Kosovo’s aspirations to independence. After the Kosovo War (1998-1999), Kosovo was under control of the United Nations until 2007. During this time, the Albanian majority of Kosovo hoped and lobbied for complete independence from Serbia.
The slogan became especially popular after Kosovo declared full independence in February 2008. This led to demonstrations in Belgrade. At least 200.000 Serbians protested against Kosovan independence.
Why is Kosovo so important to Serbians? Here are the most common arguments.
- The seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church is in the Kosovar city of Péc (Albanian: Pejë/Peja). On the picture another famous Serbian church.
- Serbians lost the historical ‘Battle of Kosovo’ at Kosovo Polje (Albanian: Fushë Kosovë). This was against the Ottoman Empire in 1389. The battle, in which both the Serbian prince and the Ottoman Emperor died, is of special importance to Serbian national identity.
- Many Serbians consider Kosovo to be the cradle of Serbia.
Kosovo je Srbija in historical perspective
How true is the claim ‘Kosovo je Srbija’ or ‘Kosovo is Serbia’ from a historical perspective? Case writer Andrea R. Nagy of the Yale School of Management comments the following. “A Serbian Kosovo remains as elusive as a mirage, because in fact it has been part of Serbia for only brief periods in Balkan history.”
Between 1455 and 1912, Kosovo was part of the Ottoman Empire. After that period, the status of ‘Kosovo’ changed several times until the war in 1999. It has been ruled by several kingdoms and countries, even by Italy. So based on the last 550 years it seems at least exaggerated to say that ‘Kosovo je Srbija’.
In The Guardian, famous historian Noel Malcolm elaborates on the time that Serbia ruled Kosovo. “What is true is that they ruled Kosovo for about 250 years, until the final Ottoman takeover in the mid-15th century. Churches and monasteries remain from that period (…)”.
Malcolm disagrees with the often heard argument that ‘Kosovo is the cradle of Serbia.’ “Their power base was outside Kosovo, which they fully conquered in the early 13th, so the claim that Kosovo was the ‘cradle’ of the Serbs is untrue.”
Lonely Planet: Kosovo number 4 in tourism hotspots
Lonely Planet names Kosovo as one of the European top destinations in 2018. After places in Italy, Spain, and The Netherlands, Kosovo is number four
Kosovo independence
Independence of Kosovo After the Kosovo war of 1999, the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) took over the governance of Kosovo. Till
Is Kosovo a country?
Is Kosovo a country? Yes, Kosovo is a country. Since 2008 we call Kosovo a republic. Why do some countries do not recognize Kosovo as
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or this page will be closed have a nice time ( ;
Dont be stupid!
Dear Kosova Anonymous SYS, thanks for your comment! Just send us an e-mail, and we will discuss the article.
I has now been 6 months and the page is still not closed? Am i right to assume you are a little b*tch making empty threats?
Zasto mora izbrisi web kad albanci je albanci a serbi ne zna ni sam sta je ,na ime kosovo ne treba gleda tamo zivi albanci u kosovo ,prije kosovo je zvao dardani ,ovaj ime ne spomi ni jedna serb neznam zasto ali nece da zna za ovaj ime ,moze da boj posle za prebada vasa venika serbiju ,albanci je autokton u balkanu ako ne znas za albanci ne znas za tfoj zemle dje stois sad majmune ,ovaj zemlu sad kako zovi balkan prije je biju ilirija
“Kosova”Majmune glupi koji si nepismen prvo nauci srpski ako bas hoces da se izrazis na srpskom jeziku. Osim toga kaze se da su slaveni potomci od “ilirija”. Nauci historiju. Kosovo je srbija a albanci su samo stranci /turisti u kosovo.
Shinpanzo jedna shta znash ti za Kosova?Cubrillovic je infektirao vash mozak sa virusom side,koja historija za shto pricash ti?Kad historija cisto kazhe da ste vi slloveni doshlaci sa severnjih krajeva,kao shto je Ukraina,Bjellorusia….preko Karpatima.Apsollutno nema nishta slicno sa ilirima,i to jedna diverzija koju “vi” pokushavate ta prodate kao jednu foru koja ne pali!!!Iliri i Pellazgi su naj stariji narodi na Ballkanskoj Peninsulli,a ti” pricash mi pricu” koju je tvoj deja upotrebio da te pripremi za laku noc.Ako se ti osecash kao Ilir to je zato shto tvoja mamica menjalla ulje nekom Albancom,ako ne verujesh mozhesh da je pitash,samo pazi da te tata ne cuje.OK” Ilire”
You want that this page will be closed because you can’t accept the bitter truth dumbass!!!
Well Yura, I’m not much of a conspiracy troshiet, but I have to believe that there was some strategic planning that went into the attack by Georgia. I think the fact that Putin was going to be in China was known, and the Olympic timing coincided all too nicely with Sochi 2014. Russia would have been expected to refrain from a response to the Georgian invasion. As it turned out that was not the case, but at the very least this was a preplanned Georgian incursion, and quite possibly a joint US/Georgian operation as Putin has implied.
Kosovo is albanian read some history and books because your telling bullshit
” d ” You are saying that we should read some books, but you are the one who must read some books. That can be noticed by your grammaticaly knowledge. And if you read some books about history you would know that wasn’t and isn’t “albanian”. First it was a roman region and after that the serbianslavs came. Then the region was conquered by the Byzantine Empire: but in the 15 century the ottomanen empire had conquered the byzantine empire. That means that Kosovo was an christian region. and that albanian were christians or serbianslavs who changed their religion voluntary or were forced by the ottoman to change their religion. Resultant you can say that albanians aren’t a proper nation. Kosovo wasn’t never albanian and it isn’t. It was serbian and it is still serbian.
And it isn’t “because your telling bullshit” but it’s “because you’re/you are telling bullshit” you dumbass.
Polako care polako kad su Romaci doshli na ballkanu oni su nashli nekog a taj neko je Iliri sa kralicom Teutom i kraljem Agronom to mozhesh da naucish iz arheologije .Ilirija ili Dardanija su bili od Istre pa do Preveze(Gercija)kada su Romaci doshli oni su izgradili pervi put-magistralu koja postoi kao danas Via Ignazia,iz Durres(Durracio)pa do danashnje Ederne(danashnja Turcia).Oni su nashli nekog tamo,a taj neko su Iliri.Idi nekad u Skoplje(Makedonia)i pitaj za Ilirske kulle za stari grad Skupi(na Albanskom-Shkupi)Romaci su bili i na Britanskom ostrovu pa su tamo izgradili prvu modernu kanalizaciu,koju Britanci priznaju isto tako su izgradili i prvo javno kupatilo(Bath)Care historiu trebash procitati originalno i pravo a ne kako tebi odgovara!!!ILIRIA
delete this page
Kosovo is Serbia and there is nothing else you can say about this subject.Dogodine u Prizrenu.
Mozhesh doci u Prizrenu kao turista i opet nazat u kafez.
Delete “D” 🙂
Thanks for contributing. It’s helped me understand the issues.
Kap more hekne ket budallak?? KOSOVO IS Albania
listen my friend,you shout erase this sentence kosovo is serbia,because you are going in the wrong direction,somebody will think that this page is hacked,change the subject in for example kosovo is serbia,a big lie!or something like that,or just remove it and save yourself trouble..greetings from Sarajevo!kosovo nije srbija!mrs
Thank you for your feedback. We never experience problems.
I am an Albanian guy from the Dukagjini region. I can see that most of the readers here forget that this website provides information about Kosova in general. I have no issue at all why there is a page, that tried to explain why serbs use the phrase “Kosovo ji srbije”. I found the information in this page objective and pretty accurate. Keep up the good work over there!
pls help I need Kosovo visa
You know, Belgrade was ruled by the Ottomans for about 500 years too. So is Belgrade not Serbian?